Pfizer's oral drug, danuglipron, resulted in similar weight loss as Novo Nordisk's injection Ozempic, according to phase 2 trial results. The study followed 411 adults with Type 2 diabetes, with patients taking 120mg of danuglipron losing an average of 10 pounds over 16 weeks. The drug may offer an alternative to injections. While no direct comparisons were made with other weight loss medications, danuglipron could potentially rival Ozempic and Wegovy in the weight loss market.
- does pfizer make weight loss gummies
- danuglipron
- weightloss
- diabetes
- oralmedication
- alternativetoreinjection
- Ozempic
- Wegovy
- Pfizer
- pharmaceuticals
- medicalresearch
- clinicaltrials
- healthandwellness
- weightmanagement
- phase2trial
- alternative
- injections
- healthcare
- Danuglipron
- Weightloss
- Oralmedication
- NovoNordisk
- AlternativetoInjections
- MedicalResearch
- oraldrug
- trial
- medicine
- science
- weight
- loss
- healthdrug
- medications
- medical
- research
- clinical trials
- healthhandwellness
- management